Great Port Clean Up! - April 2025
5th Annual Great Port Clean up!
Friday, April 11, 2025, different times/locations
Hosted by: Keeping Tampa Bay Beautiful & Port Tampa Bay
Please join us, port partners and other dedicated community volunteers as we safely remove trash and marine debris from several sites in and around our port. While the majority of this debris originates from outside of the port, we recognize our daily connection with our local waters and are dedicated to do our part to eliminate marine debris and support “Trash Free Waters” in Tampa Bay.
This event is a call to action for the port community to support the ongoing efforts to keep Tampa Bay a beautiful place to live, work, and play.
For detailed information regarding these sponsorship opportunities or to discuss a customized package of support for Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, please contact: Kristina Moreta, Development Director or 813.221.8733
To put together a team for clean up, please reach out to: Christopher Cooley - ccooley@TAMPAPORT.COM

